4 Exercises To Sooth A Colicky Baby


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Do you know that it’s estimated that up to 40% of all infants have colic? It usually starts between the 3rd and 6th week after birth and ends by the time the baby is 3 to 4 months old. If the baby is still crying excessively after that, consult your pediatrician as another health problem may be to blame.

When colic rears its ugly head, it can turn a time that’s meant to be joyful and full of hope and promise into a nightmare. It can reduce a full grown adult to a crumpled heap of body wracking sobs and make you wonder what you are doing wrong. The answer is…nothing.

All newborns cry and show some fussiness. But when a baby cries for more than 3 hours per day, more than 3 days per week for at least 3 weeks, it is a condition defined as colic. There is no medical reason for colic. There is also no cure. Colic is a waiting game. It can last for 6 weeks or 6 months, and there’s nothing you can do except wait it out.

Some mothers may find some relief for their little one…and for herself…through motion. Keeping your little mobile may help keep him or her distracted. If you are dealing with a colicky baby, try these four moves to help ease their distress:

1) Walking

When you have a colicky baby, the last thing you want to do is take them anywhere. But you need to get out of the house. Going for a walk is the best way to do that. Getting out into the fresh air will help you feel a little more human after being up all night, and the motion of the stroller will help comfort your baby. If you have an older child that’s willing to come along and sing to their little brother or sister, even better!!

2) Bob & Weave

This is just your typical baby hip bounce. If you’re a mom, you know exactly what I’m talking about. Holding your baby on your hip, gently bounce up and down while weaving/swaying side to side at the same time.

3) Car Seat Carrier Swing

Strap your baby securely into their car seat carrier. Holding on to the handle with both hands, gently swing the car seat back and forth. Obviously, you don’t want to get too carried away with this one. After all, your baby is not a kettlebell. But trust us, it works! And your arms will get a good workout at the same time!

4) Stability Ball Baby Bounce

This is the one that worked the best for my little guy. Sitting on a stability ball, gently bounce up and down while holding onto your baby. The longer you bounce, the more leg workout you’ll get…and hopefully the more peaceful your baby will become.

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