Birth to 6 months:

  • The baby’s front teeth are forming below the gums and are almost ready to erupt into the mouth.
  • Clean you babies gums with a damp washcloth every day.
  • Wipe mouth off after nursing with a damp cloth.
  • Never sweeten a pacifier with sugar or honey.

7 to 12 months:

  • The front teeth or incisors are usually starting to erupt into the mouth and there permanent teeth are starting to form underneath the gums.
  • Continue to wipe the gums off with a washcloth and if teeth are starting to erupt, use the smallest baby toothbrush you can find, but do not use anything that contains fluoride.
  • Do not put the baby to bed with drinks could cause tooth decay from their lingering sugars.
  • Start introducing a small, soft bristled tooth brush as soon as your baby has teeth.

13-24 months:

  • Primary or baby tooth molars are starting to erupt into the mouth and may cause some discomfort.
  • You can start to introduce fluoride toothpaste but should make sure your child can spit it out and not swallow it.
  • Use a toothbrush with soft nylon bristles.
  • The amount of toothpaste should be smaller than the size of a small green pea.
  • Only plain water in sippy cup.
  • Brush your kid’s teeth at least twice a day.

2-5 Years old:

  • By 5 years of age, the roots of the front baby teeth are starting to dissolve to make room for the permanent teeth.
  • You can let your child brush their teeth but you still need to be the primary brusher.
  • Remember to floss the child’s teeth where they are touching.
  • Floss using a flossier to make it easier to remove food and debris in between teeth.
  • After your child brushes their teeth, remember nothing else to eat or drink except plain water before bedtime.
  • Replace tooth brush once a season.
  • A rotary toothbrush may encourage your child to brush.
  • It’s important to set a good example for your children, so make sure your child should see the dentist twice a year for a checkup and cleaning.
  • Offer healthy snacks that are low in sugar.  A diet with less sugar decreases the opportunity for cavities to occur.

6-7 years old:

  • Around this age, the first permanent teeth start to erupt, which are usually the incisors or the six-year molars.
  • Your child should gradually become the primary brusher, but still check afterwards.
  • Floss your child’s teeth where two teeth touch.
  • Lightly brush your child’s tongue to remove bacteria.
  • Your child should see the dentist two times a year for a check up and professional dental cleaning.

8-10 years old:

  • Permanent teeth in the front of the mouth move into place and primary teeth towards the back of the mouth begin to fall out.
  • If your child brushes alone, check his or her teeth afterward.
  • Floss your child’s teeth where two teeth touch.
  • Your child may start flossing around age 9, but may not be able to floss back teeth properly.
  • Set a good example by practicing good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist two times a year for a check up and professional cleaning.

11-12 years old:

  • Primary teeth finish falling out as permanent teeth continue to erupt.
  • Your child should be brushing and flossing their teeth two times a day in their own.
  • Set a good example by practicing good oral hygiene and seeing your dentist twice a year for an examination.
  • Talk to your child about the consequences of poor oral hygiene – stained teeth, bad breath, gum disease and tooth decay.
  • Encourage good nutrition; don’t keep junk food around the house.
  • Encourage your teen to talk to his or her dentist or hygienist about brushing and flossing.
  • Offer healthy snacks to your child, such as fresh fruits and fresh vegetables.
  • Avoid sugary snacks.
  • Require your children who play sports to wear a mouthguard to protect their smile.

13-15 years old:

  • Permanent teeth are moving into place.  The wisdom teeth are preparing to erupt into the mouth.
  • Set a good example by practicing good oral hygiene and seeing your dentist twice a year for an examination.
  • Talk to your teen about the consequences of poor oral hygiene – stained teeth, bad breath and gum disease.
  • Buy plenty of oral health-care supplies and keep them readily available for your teen to use.
  • Provide your teen with information about the consequences of smoking and using smokeless tobacco.
  • Take your child to the dentist for an examination at least twice a year.